Tagged with Raymond Wong

Impression: 愛我請留言Swipe Tap Love

Impression: 愛我請留言Swipe Tap Love

HI ALL! I actually have a draft post I am working on about 守業者Storm in a Cocoon, but I just cannot contain my love anymore for Storm’s suceeding drama! These feels, I haven’t had them in a while from a TVB drama. I am, of course, talking about none other than 愛我請留言Swipe Tap Love. (Really … Continue reading

My Two Cents on the Siu Sangs and Fa Dans of TVB

My Two Cents on the Siu Sangs and Fa Dans of TVB

As the TVB end-of-the-year award and what-not are about to roll around, everyone and their grandmas are busy speculating who will bag the major awards of the year. These awards take into account how popular a drama is more than anything but are a form of encouragement and reassurance, nonetheless.  Fervent reports of the likely … Continue reading